Book a slot at our Neko health center, located in the heart of Stockholm, Epicenter. It’s designed from the ground up to offer a seamless health experience catered to your comfort.
Book ScanBook ScanBlood tests are used to check a variety of things, and it helps us validate your initial baseline examination within blood fat markers, diabetes markers, and inflammation markers that enables us to move forward with a clearer picture on day one as we track your health.
Quick blood draw
Results within 15 minutes
Included for FREE with baseline scan
Your skin is the first line of defence as part of your immune system. We capture every inch of your skin for cancer, and precisely measuring changes, down to variations as small as 0.2 mm. So you don't have to worry.
Taken in underwear
Done in 2 minutes
Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death globally, and half of it goes undiagnosed. Our sensors can detect inconsistencies and objectively measure heart’s movement, blood pressure, and pulse shapes over your whole body with more precision.
Takes less than 5 minutes
6-point study
At the end you will have completed your first step of decoding your health profile with our doctor for you to stay ahead of your health. This may include nutrition guidance, follow-up studies, lifestyle adjustments, etc. You will have everything instantly in your pocket the moment you leave the health center.
Neko Health Report
Connect with our medical team
Personal plans
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